About this database
- What is this database?
- If you play EVE and really don't know, this page can't explain it for you.
- Where do I report bugs to?
- Issue can be reported in the it-office on TEST Discord.
Do not send a "Hey!" message, just describe what the problem is, what you did, and put
any error messages you're getting into a pastebin.
- How do I scan moons?
- Short version: grab a Survey Probe Launcher and some probes, warp to moons, align to the moon,
hit probe launcher, continue with next moon. The long version should be somewhere on a wiki.
- How do I get the data into this database?
- On the bottom of the survey probe results window, there is a "Copy to clipboard" button. Click
it, then go to Submit Data, paste it, and hit Submit.
- I see a lot of "do not have permission to view this moon". What gives?
- That means someone scanned it, but you are a pleb and cannot view the scan result. This is a
political topic, not a database issue — talk to your CEO. To see scan results, you have 2 options:
- Scan the moon(s) yourself. The database will always show you scan results that you submitted.
- Get whitelisted for access for the particular Region or Solar System.
Do not contact Adria Eqviis about getting access. I'm the coder, not the admin.
- I heard I can download scans from this thing?
- You can download your own scans (that you submitted earlier) from
your profile page. There is also an
option to download the entire database, but that's behind a permissions
check for obvious opsex reasons.
- How is the ISK valuation calculated?
- The database has fixed snapshot values for the price of minerals, taken around May 25th 2019,
Jita. It assumes 84% refining efficiency (that's low-balling) and sums up the
resulting mineral prices. No reactions or higher-level materials are included in this calculation,
and prices will not change even if the T2 marked explodes or implodes.
- What are the 3 columns on the ISK valuation?
- moon goo: value from selling the moon minerals that you get after refining. This
is based on the result mineral, not the ore.
- belt goo: same, but for "normal" (belt) minerals like Tritanium & co. Some of
this will be "side" results from mining moon ore (it contains normal minerals too), but the
most of it will be from belt ore that spawns on moons.
- total: duh.
I was planning to make a "all of the moon ore" column (i.e. moon goo and belt goo from moon ore,
but not belt ore) but I didn't get to it. Shucks.
- What CCPls assumptions does this DB make?
- Total ore volume (480000 m³ per day) and refining results are off Sisi data. If they change
it, this app will need an update.
- How do I claim a moon?
- You can't, especially not on this database. This is just scan results.
- What are the (green) options on system view?
- Since a system tends to have more than one moon, the display is aggregated (or not, if you
click "Show all Moons".) The aggregates work like this:
- System Sum: just cobble everything together. The more moons a system has, the higher the
values will be. "Ore groups" will show percentages above 100%, this is expected.
- System Average: just divides the sum by the number of moons a system has, to give some
kind of indication of how valuable a system is overall
- Best in System: for each ore individually, this grabs the result off the moon with
the best yield and uses that. This means the result shown can be an agglomeration of
multiple moons, you won't find all of the stuff displayed on a single moon. The point of this
is that it's useful when you're looking for some particular moon goo.
- Show all Moons: makes one f*ck-ass huge table with each moon separately. May take
upwards of a minute to load, please don't click "reload".
- What's this built on, and by whom?
- Adria Eqviis (equinox) built it, using these tools:
- Postgres
- Python, Django & Jinja2
- JQuery, Bootstrap & DataTables
- Shamelessly stolen Dotlan SVG maps
- Krita for the background dinosaur
No animals were harmed during the production of this database. No liability is assumed for
carpal tunnel syndrome or death by ennui from excessive moon scanning.